
The concepts of Shram, Shiksha and Seva guide the Raju Vegesna Foundation. Shram, in Sanskrit, refers to hard work, and Shiksha means learning or knowledge. Seva is the practice of serving tirelessly and selflessly, with no expectation of rewards.

Mr Raju Vegesna hails from a humble background, and his parents inculcated in him a very strong value system. From a young age, the idea of supporting communities in need was ingrained in him. This value system drives the Foundation to support under-privileged and marginalized communities across the State. RVF is committed to the cause of social development and has identified the provision of basic necessities such as safe drinking water and education as its primary objective.

Mr. Vegesna hails from a humble background, and his parents inculcated in him a very strong value system. From a young age, the idea of supporting communities in need was ingrained in him. This value system drives the Foundation to support under-privileged and marginalized communities across the State. RVF is committed to the cause of social development and has identified the provision of basic necessities such as safe drinking water and education as its primary objective.